People often think that they have to spend a lot of money on tests.
This can be true. THYROID testing can be a couple hundred dollars. The advanced FOOD SENSITIVITIES tests can be the same. Just to test inflammation markers to make sure you haven’t STRESSED YOUR BODY out can be $150. There are two tests I like that won’t cost you more than a one time < $100 purchase and you can do them every day!
The first is a Basal Metabolic Temp test. You will need a $10 shake out kind of Thermometer from Walgreens or Amazon. it is easy to do:

Use this for BMT
- Shake out the thermometer the night before and put it by your bed.
- When you wake up in the morning don’t even sit up.
- Reach over turn off your alarm and pick up the thermometer.
- Put it in your mouth under your tongue for 3 minutes.
- Write down your temp.
Why do this? Because it shows how well your body is doing… especially your THYROID. If it is in the 97.6-98.6 range you are doing great. 97-97.6 you are doing ok. Less than 97? You need to figure out why your body is stressed and fix it. Not sure where to start? We can talk about that, but the added bonus of the test is that as you make changes you will see your temp improve and you know you are on the right track! Just being dehydrated has caused mine to go down a whole degree! (Plug here for you to come in and do a Hydration Eval using our Bio-Impedance scale)

The second test is your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) You will need a Heart rate monitor and the SweetBeatApp. Every morning while taking your temp you will also track your HRV. If it is doing well you can exercise however you like. If it is low you have STRESSED YOUR BODY and need to recover and do some healing. Lower intensity exercise, meditation, restorative nutrition, sauna, etc. This will keep you from over training or over taxing your body beyond its ability to repair. Bonus here is that you can also use the SweetBeatApp to figure out FOOD SENSITIVITIES.