This is a brand new website! My old website can still be seen for a few days at
To book appointments click on the Appointments tab above.
Please understand this is all new and I’m trying to weigh the need to keep information available to my patients with the need to Proof read:) If you find problems or… spelling errors (ouch!!!) and it really bothers you please leave a comment! I will change it right away. Otherwise I will get to it as soon as I can!
Otherwise Enjoy the new site. There will be new stuff regularly so keep checking back!!! 🙂
Thanks to all those who came to my in house health talk. I think we all had a good time, ate some tasty (and healthy!!!) treats and learned the 6 Keys to staying healthy. If you missed this last one come to the next one! I’ll be doing it again in 4 weeks (the one two weeks from now is full!!) You will learn the main things you can do at home to stay healthy and happy:) Don’t miss out. It is FREE!!!